Friday, 27 March 2009

Friday 27th

I'm still seeing the same rate of progress in my skin, and I think I've found a good routine of keeping the dryness and redness at a minimum.

The main side effect I'm noticing at the moment is my hair - it isn't getting greasy AT ALL! I'm not usually one to wash my hair that often anyway, but I used to have to rely on dry shampoo. However this week I had washed it last Saturday night, and didn't need to dry shampoo it at all. I washed it yesterday but with just conditioner because I'm a bit worried it will get horrible and straw-like. I'll make sure to take extra care with it from now on.

I've also been feeling really tired, and I think this must be a side effect too. I read the booklet that came with the tablets again but that lists almost every side effect under the sun so it's hard to tell from that, but I did some googling and it seems like a lot of other people had the same experience. I had an afternoon nap today and feel much better so think I'd better make them a regular thing.

Anyway, last day of term today - no lectures here for aaaaaaaaaages seeing as I'll be in Sweden for Autumn term!


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