Thursday 11 June 2009

Week 13 Photos

Well I've been away for a while so forgot to take any photos last week, but did this week.

Today I went in for a blood test again, no bruise so far this time! :) My next appointment is next Wednesday; I'm not sure if that's my last one with the nurse or not before I see the dermatologist on 31st July.

Skin is really good atm, a bit red still but it hasn't been very sunny so no sunburn, just general redness I think. The dryness seems to have calmed down a bit as well, or I've just got into the routine of controlling it... not sure which

Tuesday 26 May 2009


I'm really happy with this week's pictures! There has been a really quick improvement in the few days since I increased to 80mg a day so here's hoping it carries on working so well. My lips have been a bit drier since my dose increased, but still not too bad.

It's my last exam tomorrow morning and omg I can't wait to be free! 23 hours and 9 minutes left to be precise :)

Saturday 23 May 2009

Week 10

I had my 3rd appointment with the nurse on Thursday and she has increased my dose to 80mg a day now. The pharmacist for some reason decided I could take it as one daily dose instead of splitting it up like they made me do last month (but hadn't the first month...) - which had been annoying because it was 2x30mg so I had to take a 20mg and 2x5mg tablet twice a day. This should be a lot easier at least because it's just 4x20mg in one go. The nurse said my side effects will get worse on the higher dose but hopefully they'll still be manageable



Photos are a bit late this week... oh well

I had a little flare up because my prescription ran out last Friday then I didn't have an appointment to get another one til Thursday, so in the 6 Roaccutane-free days my skin did get worse... my next appointment should be early enough to avoid any gap next time though :)

Thursday 14 May 2009

Week 9

Well this week I had another blood test in time for my appointment next week and I have a bruise again :(:( it must definitely be because of the Roaccutane making me bruise more easily, because the nurse I had this time was much more gentle but it still happened - MUCH smaller than last time though!

Have had quite bad dryness on my forearms in the last few days, with a couple of rough patches which are a bit itchy so moisturising them as much as possible...

... other than that everything is pretty much normal!


This week's photos :)